
The Jean Monnet Chair, proposed under the Title: EU Telecommunications Policy and Information Society, aims to create an academic and documentary reference on EU Telecommunications Policy from its origins to the present day.

This chair will be taught by Professor of Telecommunications, Miguel López-Coronado, who has a recognized and extensive knowledge of Telecommunications policy. From this knowledge and experience, it is proposed to address a new proposal that enables a deep knowledge of the Telecommunications policy of the European Union with an academic reflection on its legacy that, while strengthening the spirit of integration, allows to expand the field of study of research and knowledge in this important subject.

In addition, it provides for students to learn about other policies with the legal and institutional vision of the European construction in order to understand the Telecommunications Policy. Its development and consolidation are essential for a true articulation of a united Europe. In addition, one Seminar per year is planned in which experts in Telecommunications Policy, telecommunications officials, and members of the most important Telecommunications companies will participate, and a book containing a general consideration of the Policy with the great transformation of the EU Telecommunications Policy in the last decades will also be edited.

The presentation of the Jean Monnet Chair – EU Telecommunications Policy and Information Society will take place on November 2.

Improve training on European issues with the design of computer applications aimed at gamifying European construction.
Highlight the excellence of the education of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico and its commitment to the construction of the European Union.
Improve understanding of European policies and changes that directly affect the lives of European citizens.
Produce a collective work that addresses, analyzes, and develops the framework of the European Union’s telecommunications policy.
Train experts in European Union and Telecommunications Policy.
Hold annual congresses to publicize the progress made by the Chair.
Disseminate the work of the European Union and its institutions.
Study methodology
The Chair will be implemented through several actions. On the one hand, there will be compulsory classes, with a group of students ranging from a minimum of 30 students to a maximum of 60, so that a sufficiently open and flexible atmosphere of participation and debate can be maintained, allowing for student involvement in the classroom. They will be taught 4 hours per week, and the teaching hours will be distributed between the two semesters of the academic courses. In total, there will be 30 units per year, detailed in the Work Program section.
Some of the units will go beyond the Telecommunications Policy, explaining additional information in terms of construction and development of the European Union and other public policies that also have an impact in the field of Telecommunications. In addition to the 90 hours of theoretical lessons per year that will be given by the Chair, there will be 31 hours per year in which students will design applications to gamify learning about the European Union for children in primary education, ESO, and High School.
The Chair’s support team will consist of two professors who will show how the construction of the Telecommunications policy is being complemented by other major areas of EU public policies. The classes will include lectures and workshops, with an interactive approach to the sessions, so that students can easily understand the work of the European Union institutions, public policies, and the functioning of the Union in its relations with third countries in this fundamental area of telecommunications in the EU.
The digital platform of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) will be the mean used for online teaching, allowing students to activate their microphone and participate live, with questions, reflections, or discussions that take place in the classroom, within the framework of the classes. The teacher will send documentation to the students prior to the beginning of the lesson, so that they can read a series of materials related to the topics and discussions that can be carried out in the virtual classroom. Only students who are taking official courses at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico, in any of the technical studies offered by the Escuela Politécnica Superior, may enroll in the course.
The Chair will organize seminars, one per year, to promote dialogue between academia and society, including government policy makers, public officials, civil society actors, representatives of different levels of education and the media, and members of major telecommunications companies. The Congresses will be held either online or in person. Invitations will be sent to those responsible for formulating telecommunications policy at the European or national level and to the media.
The Congresses will be announced on the Chair’s website, on the University’s own press and information services, on the University’s social networks, and on the Social Media accounts that will be created to disseminate information about the Chair’s main news. The Telecommunications Policy phenomenon will be studied from different perspectives at the various annual congresses, and the public will be able to participate as members of civil society and journalists, with the possibility of live broadcasting.
At the end of the program, the student will obtain a diploma of attendance to the JEAN MONNET CHAIR – TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY IN THE EU AND INFORMATION SOCIETY together with 6 ECTS credits
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Universidad Europea del Atlántico