Seminar 1: Telecommunications Policy of the European Union

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) organized, on September 18 and 19 in the auditorium of the faculty, the seminar “Telecommunications Policy of the European Union” which is held as part of the inauguration of the second course of the Jean Monnet Chair “Telecommunications Policy in the EU and the Information Society,” which is held by the institution.

The seminar will take place in a hybrid format and will be streamed live on the university’s YouTube channel.

Some of the country’s most important telecommunications institutions will participate in the two-day event. The session will also provide an opportunity to take stock of the first academic year of the Jean Monnet Chair.

After the inauguration of the seminar by Rubén Calderón, rector of UNEATLANTICO, the first conference on Monday, September 18, was given by Fermín Fontecha from the Subdirectorate General for Telecommunications Management to explain the regulation of telecommunications in the European Union. The expert presented the current and future status of this policy, stressing the importance of the new ultrafast infrastructures, as well as all the actions being carried out in the state to facilitate their installation based on the European Electronic Communications Code and its Spanish transposition to the General Telecommunications Law and the needs set forth by the European Union Digital Strategy, the 2030 Digital Compass.

Jorge Pérez, professor at the Digital Governance Forum (IGF), gave the lecture: “Internet Governance in the European Union.” In the session, he presented the situation of Governance at a global level and, specifically, in Europe and Spain. He expressed the characteristics of the Internet Government, where no state controls it, with its characteristic of multiple government: users, technology companies, universities, specialists, and different state governments in their different functions (governments, private sector, civil society, and the technical community).

The first day of conferences was closed by Adriana Gutiérrez, technician of the Cybersecurity Demonstration Laboratory of the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), to detail some trends in cybersecurity in 5G networks.

On Tuesday, September 19, Manuel Masías, director of the Escuela Politécnica Superior (Higher Polytechnic School) of UNEATLANTICO, spoke on the challenges the university faces in the field of telecommunications. Professor Eduardo Artal Latorre, from the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (Official College of Telecommunication Engineers, COIT) of Cantabria, gave the lecture: “ICT professionals facing the Telecommunications Policy of the European Union.”

Miguel López-Coronado, director of the Chair, gave the session: “Electronic Communications in the European Union: perspectives.” Silvia Aparicio, UNEATLANTICO’s Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Faculty, oversaw closing the seminar.

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